In the mesencephalon, OXB-IR fibers were located in the central gray substance, superior and inferior colliculi, interpeduncular nucleus and raphe nuclei. 在中脑分布于中脑中央灰质、前丘、后丘、脚间核和中缝核;
Methods The auditory evoked potential of superior olivary complex ( SOC AEP) and the auditory evoked potential of lateral lemniscus ( LL AEP) were recorded with computer average and three dimensional localization technique of nerve nuclei in brainstem. 方法用计算机叠加平均技术和脑干神经核团立体定位技术记录豚鼠SOCAEP和LLAEP。
Efferent projections of superior colliculus to diencephalic and brainstem nuclei in the cat& an anterograde HRP study 猫上丘至间脑和脑干的若干传出投射&HRP法顺行性研究
The main sits projecting to the medial rectus subdivision were the ipsilateral superior, contralateral medial and contralateral lateral vestibular nuclei. 结果双侧前庭上核、双侧前庭内侧核、对侧前庭外侧核均有纤维投射至内直肌亚核;主要投射区是同侧前庭上核、对侧前庭内侧核及外侧核;